CREDIBILITY by James M. Kouzes & Barry Z. Posner
Recent South African events, in both government and big business, highlight the value of being credible. It is gained over years, and yet lost in a moment - if ever gained at all.
The authors have done extensive research on the topic of credibility. With the results indicating that:
- Integrity
- Competence, and
- Leadership
are the key factors followers are looking for from leaders.
Some of the prime characteristics of admired leaders include: ambitious, broad-minded, caring, competent, courageous, and dependable.
Credibility is the foundation of leadership, and it is earned through daily actions performed time and time again. It is not automatic with job or title.
Credibility makes a difference. In short it means; to do what you say you will do.
The process of building sustained credibility requires six disciplines:
Discover yourself,
Appreciate constituents,
Affirm shared values,
Develop capacity,
Serve a purpose, and
Sustain hope.
This is a must read based on sound research, and not merely a leaders opinion.
- Roy Kapp