Dear Client
A Note From Our Director
Most of us have started counting down the year end. With last year’s resolutions having faded almost immediately at the beginning of the year, we prepare to craft new ones with renewed hope that this time we will do better. We resolve to grow our businesses, to better our relationships, to serve with excellence and so on.
This is what the festive season and the immediate new year brings to all of us, renewed hope. I guess we are heavily affected by our natural environment which is also at its peak around this time.
Perhaps with our new year’s resolutions we should also resolve to adopt qualities that are imperative to succeed. We should strive to be consistent and resilient.
Our world changes rapidly. Maybe it is befitting to be direct and give credit where it is due and rather say we change our world rapidly. Humans have been innovating since the dawn of time. With each step of our journey we are encouraged by the desire to do better. There is ample evidence surrounding us to confirm that we have done better.
It is for this reason that we should never be intimidated by our own ability to grow and do better. We should explore and embrace the potential within us. Lest we deny the world what we are here to give. We should not wait for a particular time to do better. If we look around us every day there is always something or someone who can inspire us to do better. Hence the saying goes “each one teach one”.
As we prepare to enter this season of renewed hope let us remember that we have it within ourselves to sustain the moment at which we are encouraged. Let us be consistent in our desire to succeed. Let us pursue our ventures with zeal and refuse to give up. Let us attach honest value to our resolutions. Our resolutions should be important enough not to give up on. Our resolutions should not be seasonal but we should be seasoned in pursuing them.
Of course there will be moments of despair, but as one great South African once retorted “gloom and despondency have never defeated adversity”. On the contrary, hope and the will to do better can catapult us to more hopeful and better heights.
Let us draw to a close with encouragement. We hope that we have done better for all our stakeholders during the year and we look forward to the future with a promise to do even better in our service to you.
Kind Regards
Joseph Leotlela | Director