Labour Law [Training]

to the division of the KVV Inc. Training Centre dedicated to

This Training Portal consists of the following elements:

1. Training Videos


2. Training Presentation


3. Recommended Reading

A Dishonest "I'm Too Sick to Come to Work" Excuse is a Firing Offence

Understanding Your Legal Obligations as an Employer of Domestic Workers

The New Law on Parental Leave – A Simple Summary for Employers and Employees

Did You Know that CV Liars Now Face Jail Time?

You Can (and Should) Both Discipline and Prosecute Thieving Employees

Moonlighting Without Consent is Misconduct – A Firing Offence

When is Resignation a Constructive Dismissal?

Who Owns Your Employee’s Invention? Lessons from the “Please Call Me” Saga

>> Final Step... Request an Attendance Certificate for this training module:

Once you've worked through and completed ALL
of the above training material for this module...

Your FINAL STEP is to request an Attendance Certificate

CLICK the button above to test your knowledge on this training module
​& receive your certificate!
Best of Luck!

*Click to view the KVV Inc. Training Centre DISCLAIMER

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