Being one step ahead………
The uncharted territories are rapidly transforming the nature of work and how existing organizations in both the private and public sector adapt to global change. Personally, there is a loud call to be more than what was ever thought possible!
Turbulence is a given; turmoil does not have to be! So, what are the meta-skills that will allow us to weather the storms and adopt an innovative mindset? I want to highlight the following four:
- We must be fluent in processing information! Rapid absorption of information is the beginning of overcoming difficulties. Generally, the faster and more easily we’re able to process information, the faster and more efficiently we can act and adapt.
- Congruent attitudes, a must! Whenever our behaviour contradicts our attitude, we feel a state of discomfort. We resolve the inconsistency between our attitude and behaviour by adopting a new attitude – an attitude that is consistent with our behaviour.
- Connect with people! Research shows that we’re influenced by people who we view as similar, so we’re more likely to act if we believe that many people are doing it too.
- Be generous! Generosity is the ultimate sign of forward-thinking! Give freely, of your knowledge, of your time and your heart; this will enlarge your capacity to thrive!
At KVV we do not opt for the easy way out, we know that it will require a collective effort to keep the competitive advantage.
Kind Regards
Diaan Van Wyk | Director
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