to the division of the KVV Inc. Training Centre dedicated to
This Training Portal consists of the following elements:
1. Training Videos
Different Types of Marriages in SA Law Training Video
2. Training Presentation
Different Types of Marriages in SA Law Presentation
3. Recommended Reading
Owning Property Jointly – The Rewards, The Risks, and The Remedy
Divorce: Remember to Review Your Will! https://hub.kvvinc.co.za/kvv-inc-2/divorce-remember-to-review-your-will
Maintenance Claims and Life Partners https://hub.kvvinc.co.za/kvv-inc-2/maintenance-claims-and-life-partners
Divorce: What is Forfeiture of Benefits and When is it Ordered? https://hub.kvvinc.co.za/kvv-inc-2/divorce-what-is-forfeiture-of-benefits-and-when-is-it-ordered
How Does the New Divorce Act Ruling Affect You? https://hub.kvvinc.co.za/kvv-inc-2/how-does-the-new-divorce-act-ruling-affect-you
A Valentine’s Day Thought for Life Partners: What is a “Universal Partnership”? https://hub.kvvinc.co.za/kvv-inc-2/a-valentine-s-day-thought-for-life-partners-what-is-a-universal-partnership
Divorce Diaries: Anti-Dissipation Orders in Action https://hub.kvvinc.co.za/kvv-inc-2/divorce-diaries-anti-dissipation-orders-in-action
Divorce and the New Three-Pot System: Another Risk To Manage https://hub.kvvinc.co.za/kvv-inc-2/divorce-and-the-new-three-pot-system-another-risk-to-manage
This Wedding Season: What’s in a Surname? https://hub.kvvinc.co.za/kvv-inc-2/this-wedding-season-what-s-in-a-surname
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