KVV | A Note from our Director

July 2, 2021 Kapp Van Wyk Van Zyl Inc

Dear Client

Are you wearing enough PPE to protect your income?

All over the world, the fear, worry, sadness and loss, that are spread with the virus are unprecedented.

Together we are fiercely trying to combat the virus, by following the COVID-19 protocols, whether we are at home or work, whether we are buying groceries or picking up our children from school.

For the COVID protocols to achieve their purpose, each one of us needs to take up the responsibility of abiding by the safety rules personally, regardless of what lockdown level we are in.

But not only is our health at risk, so is our businesses, our income, our salaries, our bread and butter on the table. Just as important as our lives and health are, so is our healthcare system and keeping a roof over our heads. And someone needs to pay for that… and that someone is the salary earner.

This begs the question what PPE are we wearing to protect our income?

Yes, we do not have control over the job losses and businesses closing on a global scale, but don’t let the fear of the uncontrollable make you underestimate your worth in contributing to the economy, by “earning your salary”.

Food needs to be packed to reach our tables, Insurance companies needs profitable companies to invest with to pay out, income tax needs to be generated to fund hospitals. Every individual contributes on a larger scale, more than you and I realise.

As you sit behind your desk at work, or in isolation at home behind your desktop, with your kids playing around your feet – take hold of your commitment and responsibility to keep whatever business you are in going.

Protect your company`s productivity by not letting your emotional state get the better of you. For the sake of our economy, stay strong and focus on how you influence those around you. That is a difference that only you, have the power to make.

Franklin D. Roosevelt said:

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the assessment that something else is more important than fear”.

In time we will look back on what we’ve overcame and be grateful for the effort we’ve made to keep as much standing as possible, even when the world caves down around us. You are making a contribution. Focus on how you influence those around you. Be a difference maker!

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Kind Regards

Diaan Van Wyk  |  Director

The post KVV | A Note from our Director appeared first on KVV Inc.

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