(Un)expected events

October 22, 2024 Kapp Van Wyk Van Zyl Inc

I think we can all agree that life throws unexpected things at us all the time. This is a universal truth which has birthed popular phrases such as “when life gives you lemons – make lemonade” and a personal favourite of mine, the iconic words of Mike Tyson who said : “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”.

No matter who you are you surely will have to agree that the one reliable thing in life is that we just don’t know what’s coming. Another thing that stands out is that despite knowing this universal truth we still find ourselves shocked (and often appalled) when unexpected events strike from out of the blue.

I was recently reminded of this standing next to my four-year-old in the hospital whilst she was having a broken arm set in a cast. Standing there in disbelief that we found ourselves in this situation, I quickly realized that this was actually to be expected especially if you are raising a brave and adventurous four-year-old that loves hanging from the highest point of the jungle gym. This fact in mind, you are almost certain to encounter a few scrapes and bruises and possibly even a broken bone or two. Its just part of the price you pay for playing with all your heart on the jungle gym, and pushing the boundaries of what you are capable of whilst doing so.

Some events of course, are truly just devastating and painful and come from nowhere, like the loss of a loved one for example – and I am of course not referencing those types of experiences here.

I rather refer to the unexpected events, or consequences if you will, that come from taking risks and living live to the fullest – and I want to encourage us to look at these unexpected events with new eyes and possibly even with gratitude. Gratitude for the opportunities to fail, to succeed, to experience, to learn and to grow – and to remind ourselves when we encounter these (un)expected events, that they are reminders of a life that is being lived.

My four-year-old represented this resilience and gratefulness in the best way. After hearing she will be getting a bright pink cast and realizing this cast will give her bragging rights with her peers for a couple of weeks she quickly changed her entire attitude about the situation. Now she walks around proudly showing off her battle wounds from the playground and is now convinced (even more so than ever) that she is unstoppable.

Ianthè Biggs | Conveyancer
KVV Inc Attorneys

The post (Un)expected events appeared first on KVV Inc.

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