The Word of God says that three things matter, faith, hope and love. What does this have to do with life, at work, life at home ?
At work we all have a role to play and influence those around us. We can lead the way and we do not necessarily have to have a leadership or managerial position to influence people. If you influence people you are a leader.
When we go home all of us no matter background or position, is a dad, or mom, or brother, or sister. Every dad and mother has a leadership role to play.
Just as our Father through our Lord Jesus gives us faith, hope, and love, we can be that faith, hope and love to those around us and those we influence.
Recently we had a discussion with Mr Brand Pretorius and he said that in this time of uncertainty in the world not just in South Africa we as influencers need to be the hope many of us so desperately need. Where there is hope there is faith that things will get better. Where there is hope there is energy to move forward. Where there is hope there is light….
Where there is hope there is engagement by all to make things better. Although we cannot see hope in the physical sense, we can feel it in our spirit and that leads to action that brings results that shows that hope in action leaves a tangible result.
The beauty of hope is that it takes one to ignite that inner flame, that inner spirit that is contagious. It spreads quickly and brings change for the better of the family, community, workplace and the country.
Kind Regards
Roy Kapp | Director
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