May 2019 – A Note from our Directors

June 5, 2019 Kapp Van Wyk Van Zyl Inc

Has the dust settled?

Post 8 May, we are all expecting a turn and shift in the economy and as to how the appetite for business will increase.

Dust was kicked up prior to the elections and this has resulted in some hesitance to invest. We however want to assure all our partners of a steadfast service with no dust clouds. The economy and political environment may well be on a seesaw, but KVV has remained constant in delivering beyond reproach results. We believe that through doing our part with excellence, it will have a knock-on effect on all those around us. This in particular, should be our focus – not to be fixated on the negative, but to keep our eyes on the positive, the potential and the opportunities!

In the midst of the political roars, our plea and stance remain one of optimism. We are expecting growth, we are expecting to thrive, and we are expecting to expand! It is when an olive is pressed that the gorgeous oil is produced, and it is when the heat is turned up that we press through to the oasis.

Our vision is not blurred – we are more focused than ever. So, let us remain your partner of choice.

Kind Regards

Diaan van Wyk | Director

The post May 2019 – A Note from our Directors appeared first on KVV Inc.

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